

The games industry needs to change.

Game Workers Unite Montréal is a democratic workers’ organization dedicated to advocating for workers’ rights and supporting union organizing in the games industry. GWU is not a union itself, but we’re working to help build them across the industry.

Montréal is well-known as an international hub for the games industry, yet stories of mass layoffs and abuse are still rampant here. Enough is enough! Workers here are a powerful force — and through collaboration and mutual support we can achieve better working conditions and recognition for everyone.

We’re here to help.

Our main focus is on supporting workers who want to unionize their workplace. We provide training and peer support to workers who are in difficult situations, share information about workers’ legal rights, and connect people with legal support, community organizations, and existing unions and labour organizations.

Our members also form committees to collaborate on projects such as producing literature and organizing educational workshops. We meet monthly in a general assembly to share the latest developments.

Building a better industry together.

The best way to improve conditions for workers is through collective action.

If you work in the games industry — whether or not you’re currently employed — or if you’re a student or are otherwise planning to join the industry, we invite you to join us. You don’t need any previous organizing experience, and we’re happy to provide organizer training.

Together, we can build a better industry for all of us.

Get Involved!

Click the button below to join GWU Montréal!
All members must abide by our Code of Conduct.

Apply to become a member Or contact us for more information

Resources and Zines

Zines & slides

Blog posts



Game Workers Unite Montreal is a QPIRG (Quebec Public Interest Research Group) working group. QPIRG grants us a yearly budget and lets us use one of their spaces for our monthly meetings when they happen in person.

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